io me lo tengo così com'è... sopravvivo tranquillamente lostesso... 😉 😉 😉 speriamo risolvano almeno qualcosa di tutta questa lista.... mostra evidenti segni di gioventù...Io della serie Edge ho "saltato" il 205, 510 e 810. Gli altri li ho avuti tutti. MAI Garmin ha rilasciato uno strumento senza gravi, a volte gravissimi bugs.
Questa è la lista iniziale di bachi dell'820:
#1: touchscreen: oversensitive, not reacting when you you want, overreacting (rain) when you don't want it
#2: No cancellation option for Strava segments (solved in 3.00, confirmed)
#3: Altitude calibration; always +/- 40 meters below actual altitude
#4: No escape from Strava segment leaderboard page
#5: Software crash when turning the unit off while in saving ride page
#6: Navigation options such as maps are not personalized in profiles as supposed
#7: switching profiles is slow
#8: Colors changed while switching profiles and back
#9: Translation dutch not complete
#10: No option to "resume later" in relation to #5 (should according to Garmin work when just stop the timer and power off the unit, I'll try that later)
#11: accumulation height difference over a ride is not correctly calculated (most probably due to bug #3)
#12: slow reaction in displaying new course direction after a turn
#13: WIFI connection problems
#14: bt connection problems with some iPhones (not confirmed with my own iPhone 5s)
#15: gradient lag, slow respond to gradient differences
#16:Adding 5000+ miles to a ~75 mile ride (not confirmed by anyone else yet)
#17: Crash detection on/off not working. After switching off the next time you turn the device on the crash detection is also activated again
#18: Battery indicator on status page stays on 100% als after a couple of hours riding
Il punto #3 (altimetria) a quanto pare è comune a tutti gli 820. Dovete:
a) restituire lo strumento in quanto non conforme alle specifiche
b) fare come abbiamo sempre fatto, portare pazienza e inviare mail a Olathe (inviarle a Garmin Italia è come insultare il muro di casa)
Inviato dal mio MI 5 utilizzando Tapatalk